Meet the Team

That makes it
all happen


Founder, Head Coach

During my 3-year journey to health and happiness, I couldn’t believe the positive impact fitness and mindfulness was having on my life. Within that realisation, I decided I wanted to dedicate my life to helping others achieve the same. I set about becoming a qualified personal trainer and starting my own coaching business, which has evolved over the years to become more of a movement. A movement for change, for better, for joy, for acceptance of oneself at all stages, in all forms, in the pursuit of your dreams. This is where 444 Coaching was born. Being a coach, and creating a safe space in which to help others on the same journey as my own, is my biggest passion.


Head Coach

7 years ago I took a leap of faith and moved to the UK to chase my dreams and changed my career into fitness and personal training. Through the years I have trained hundreds of clients and gained qualifications in Mental Health Awareness for Sport and Physical Activity, Nutrition Fundamentals For Health and Performance, Group Personal Training Specialist and my favourite Women’s Fitness Specialist.
Fitness is something everybody should include in their lifestyle with the intention of making their life quality the best possible. My passion is to make achieving your goals enjoyable and sustainable. If you are seeking to improve your overall fitness, and the way you look, feel, and perform – I am here to help you make that your reality! Your perfect body is the one you are happy with and allows you to live the lifestyle you enjoy.
You can often find me living my best life and sweating my heart out in the spin classes because there is nothing better than letting yourself enjoy the life you know you were meant to experience. 


Run Coach specialist

I’m Fin! Known as a runner but I’ve always found labels to be limiting so I’ll go with human being. I love exploring potential and following my passions! I’m a qualified Sports Massage Therapist, have a DipHE in Physiotherapy and a CertHe in Public Health – I have also run over 115 marathons. Most of my time is now spent coaching others to realise their running dreams whilst also exploring one of the biggest questions of all, what is a life well-lived? We have such a short time here on Earth, I’m low key obsessed with helping others use running to make the most of the time we have. If I’m not running, you’ll find me playing guitar and singing! It’s a pleasure to meet you all.



My 15 year old self didn’t have the guidance and education she needed to reach her fitness goals. This led me down a path of disordered eating, low confidence and a loud inner critic. 
Coming out of it in my 20s and finding the habits, mindset and tools to unlearn the restrictive cycles inspired me to qualify as a PT and Nutrition Coach. 
My purpose is to help you cultivate true self-love through compassion and discipline, stop yo-yo dieting for good and find a balance with food, fitness and health that works by helping you align your goals and behaviours with what truly matters to you deep down. 
Whether that’s through strength training, gentle movement or running, I’m here to help you redefine your mindset around health and fitness.



I’m Megan, a mum of two who hasn’t always been into fitness.

After the birth of my second child six years ago, I decided I no longer wanted to be overweight, unfit, and unhappy with how I felt and looked. This decision led me to embark on a journey of weight loss and fitness, during which I fell in love with the process. This passion drove me to become a personal trainer.

As a full-time parent, I understand the struggles of balancing family and fitness. It’s challenging but entirely possible with patience and trust in the process.

Since starting my journey, I’ve completed multiple ultramarathons, competed in bodybuilding shows, and overcome an eating disorder that plagued me for many years.

It hasn’t been easy, especially considering I was very overweight and had never run a day in my life, but it has been absolutely worth it.My goal is to build a community of like-minded women who aspire to be their strongest and fittest selves.


Let’s achieve your best, together.



Hey I’m Ailsa. I’m a cross-discipline coach; a Level 3 Personal Trainer, a Level 2 England Boxing Coach and 200hr Vinyasa teacher.  From sporty beginnings as a competitive horse rider, I have dipped my toe in most sports before becoming an active amateur boxer.

I founded my career as a coach from my experience of training alongside endometriosis. Taking an empathetic approach with clients to help the work with their body rather than against. With encouragement, you’ll find yourself pushed to achieve your goals and celebrate your progressions (with a sprinkle of camp fun and competition along the way).


mental fitness specialist

I’ve always been fascinated with the potential for knowledge and new ideas to improve how we think, behave and feel. I hold a BA in Philosophy as well as an Msc in Psychology, and have spent years working in various helping professions in the community. I am sports mad, and also a qualified Qigong instructor, finding real benefit through a mind-body practice in this hectic world! Through Mental fItness workshops I deliver a positive and proactive way to conceptualise our mental wellbeing to support the fitness journey. Let’s dive in…





My name is Tara and for the last ten years I’ve been a full-time yoga teacher but I also share my passion for mindfulness through meditation, breathwork, and many other unique modalities.

I am a certified yoga, Pilates, barre and cold water immersion instructor but after a massive transformation as a 444 client and with a newly ignited passion for endurance training I went on to study my diploma in personal training and became a certified running coach.

I have a deep passion for helping people explore ways of moving and being that help them feel like their best self while reminding people of their power and their potential.

I truly believe all things are possible with the right support and tools. I’m a big advocate for listening to your self and body and I believe that finding the forms of movement and mindfulness that bring you joy is accessible for every body.

Join the Team

For opportunities with 444 coaching, please send your CV to [email protected]